- 服务
- 从企业到政府
我们所有的服务都是量身定做的. Here is a selection of common questions about global B2G-strategies and how we can help.
绝对! Creating a solid strategy that takes local conditions into account can make a huge difference and set you on the right track from the start.
- 制定量身定制的增长战略和战术计划
- 让您随时了解当地乐博彩票官方app的最新监管变化
- Solve regulatory challenges that may arise if you offer innovative solutions or a new business model
We understand that it is a challenge for many companies to identify who the relevant government stakeholders are, let alone shape a message that suits them – especially in an international market where the cultural values are new to the company. And yet it is so important to develop good working relations with government representatives for a successful business venture within the public sector.
- Identify key contacts, explain the role they play and how they interact with each other
- 帮助您完成提案和提交标书
- 对合作伙伴和联盟的机会提出建议
I’d like to streamline my communication for the public sector in a new market. 你能帮忙吗??
在一个遥远的乐博彩票官方app上传播公司的信息是一件微妙的事情. It must be adapted to the local market context and placed in channels where the intended recipients will consume the message. This requires deep knowledge not only of the local stakeholders and media channels, 还有你的奉献, 公司文化和沟通方式.
- 计划和创建一个有效的沟通策略
- 使用我们的网络, 媒体联系人, 以及国际会议场所,以支持您的沟通工作
- 根据当地情况和关键利益相关者定制营销信息, 确保你能有效地触及目标受众
- 降低政策障碍,增加公共部门需求
I have contacts in the public sector but would like to improve our work relations. 我该怎么办呢??
We know that it can be hard to develop good work relations between your company and the government representatives in a market with a different culture.
乐博彩票官方app商业’s business developers are well aware of the local business climate, and understand that a well-crafted tactical approach is needed for a successful public sector business venture.
- 利用我们广泛的联系网络来识别重要的利益相关者
- 创建有助于透明交流的设置和论坛
- Bridge cultural differences and help you to get your message across in the right context